林德曼(Raymond Laurel Lindeman,1915—1942)以数学方式定量地表达了群落中营养级的相互作用,建立了养分和能量循环的理论模型。这标志着生态学开始从定性研究走向定量研究,为生态学发展确立了理论取向,对当前的生态学研究仍然具有重大的指导意义。林德曼英年早逝,留世有数篇颇具影响力的论文,是从事营养级研究的必读经典文献,是将生态学从定性研究带入定量研究的里程碑,本书是这些论文的合集。
- 前辅文
- Lindeman RL (1939). Some affinities and varieties of the planktonic rotifer,Brachionus havanaensis Rousselet. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society 58: 210–221.
- Lindeman RL (1941). The developmental history of Cedar Creek Bog,Minnesota. American Midland Naturalist 25: 101–112.
- Lindeman RL (1941). Seasonal food-cycle dynamics in a Senescent Lake.American Midland Naturalist 26: 636–673.
- Lindeman RL (1942). Experimental simulation of winter anaerobiosis in a Senescent Lake. Ecology 23: 1–13.
- Lindeman RL (1942). Seasonal distribution of midge larvae in a Senescent Lake. American Midland Naturalist 27: 428–444.
- Lindeman RL (1942). The trophic-dynamic aspect of ecology. Ecology 23: 399–417.