Handbook of Group Actions(群作用手册)(第III 卷)
- 前辅文
- Part A: Hyperbolicity and Group Actions on Spaces of
- Nonpositive Curvature
- Action at Infinity of Quasi-isometries on Teichm¨uller Space and the Geometry of the Gromov Product
- Hideki Miyachi
- Degeneration of Marked Hyperbolic Structures in Dimensions 2 and 3
- Ken’ichi Ohshika
- Hyperbolic Four-manifolds
- Bruno Martelli
- The Hyperbolization Process and Its Riemannian Version
- Pedro Ontaneda
- Surface Subgroups of Word–hyperbolic Groups
- Sang-hyun Kim
- Groups Acting on Spaces of Non-positive Curvature
- Bruno Duchesne
- Part B: Group Actions on Geometric Structures
- Some Aspects of the Automorphism Groups of Domains
- Harish Seshadri, Kaushal Verma
- Proper Actions of High-dimensional Groups on Complex Manifolds: The Techniques
- A. V. Isaev
- A Users’ Guide to Infra-nilmanifolds and Almost–Bieberbach Groups
- Karel Dekimpe
- Deformations of Convex Real Projective Manifolds and Orbifolds
- Suhyoung Choi, Gye-Seon Lee, Ludovic Marquis
- Lorentzian Kleinian Groups
- Thierry Barbot
- Group Actions and Scattering Problems in Teichm¨uller Theory
- Fran¸cois Fillastre, Graham Smith
- Part C: Group Actions on Topological Manifolds and Symmetries
- A Survey of Group Actions on 4-Manifolds
- Allan L. Edmonds
- Group Actions in the Existence and Classification of Constant Mean Curvature Surfaces
- Christine Breiner, Stephen J. Kleene
- The Smith Equivalence Problem and the Laitinen Conjecture
- Krzysztof M. Pawa lowski
- Index