Handbook of Group Actions(群作用手册)(第IV卷)
- 前辅文
- Part A: Asymptotic and Large-scale Geometry
- Zooming in on the Large-scale Geometry of Locally Compact Groups Yves Cornulier and Pierre de la Harpe
- Actions of Quasi-M¨obius Groups Peter Ha¨ıssinsky
- Quasi-isometric Rigidity of Piecewise Geometric Manifolds Roberto Frigerio
- Mostow Type Rigidity Theorems Marc Bourdon
- Part B: Representation Spaces and Representation Varieties, Homogeneous Spaces, Symmetric Space, Mostow Rigidity
- Discrete Isometry Groups of Symmetric Spaces Michael Kapovich and Bernhard Leeb
- Linearization of Algebraic Group Actions Michel Brion
- Constructing Quotients of Algebraic Varieties by Linear Algebraic Group Actions Gergely B´erczi, Thomas Hawes, Frances Kirwan and Brent Doran
- Reidemeister Torsion, Hyperbolic Three-manifolds, and Character Varieties Joan Porti
- Diophantine Approximation on Subspaces of Rn and Dynamics on Homogeneous Spaces Anish Ghosh
- Actions of Automorphism Groups of Lie Groups S.G. Dani
- Spectral Rigidity of Group Actions on Homogeneous Spaces Bachir Bekka
- Part C: Dynamics: Property T, Group Actions on the Circle, Actions on Hilbert Spaces and Other Symmetries
- Proper Isometric Actions on Hilbert Spaces: a-(T)-menability and Haagerup Property Alain Valette
- Hyperbolic Abelian Actions and Rigidity Boris Hasselblatt
- Generalizations of Almost Periodic Functions William A. Veech
- Rigidity and Flexibility of Group Actions on the Circle Kathryn Mann
- Index