
英韵唐诗百首 Tang Poems in English Rhyme


  • 前辅文
  • Foreword 序
  • 正文
    • Wang Ji 王绩
    • Gazing on the Wilderness 野望
    • Wang Fanzhi 王梵志
    • Two Poems (No. ) 诗二首(一)
    • Two Poems (No. ) 诗二首(二)
    • Cold Hill 寒山
    • The Cold Hill 杳杳寒山道
    • Luo Binwang 骆宾王
    • Ode to Geese 咏鹅
    • Farewell by River Yi 易水送别
    • Wang Bo 王勃
    • Ode to the Zephyr 咏风
    • Seeing Du Fu Off to His Post in Sichuan 送杜少府之任蜀州
    • Farewell to Xue Hua 别薛华
    • Song Zhiwen 宋之问
    • Crossing the Han River 渡汉江
    • Chen Zi-ang 陈子昂
    • To General Cui Who Starts the East Expedition 送别崔著作东征
    • On the Parapet of Youzhou 登幽州台歌
    • Farewell to a Friend on a Spring Night 春夜别友人
    • Thirty Eight Poems of 感遇三十八首
    • Observations (No. ) (其二十三)
    • Putting Up for the Night in Le Xiang County 晚次乐乡县
    • He Zhizhang 贺知章
    • A Sketch of My Coming Home (No. ) 回乡偶书(其一)
    • Ode to the Willow 咏柳
    • Dedication to Yuan’s Villa 题袁氏别业
    • Shen Rujun 沈如筠
    • A Wife’s Lament 闺怨
    • Zhang Ruoxu 张若虚
    • Spring, River, Flower, Moon, Night 春江花月夜
    • Zhang Jiuling 张九龄
    • Since You Went Away 赋得自君之出矣
    • Observations (No. ) 感遇(其七)
    • Wang Zhihuan 王之涣
    • Climbing the Stork Tower 登鹳雀楼
    • A Farewell Banquet 宴词
    • Meng Haoran 孟浩然
    • Solitude on the Cold River 早寒江上有怀
    • Missing Him on a Summer’s Day 夏日南亭怀辛大
    • Spring Morn 春晓
    • To My Friend in Yangzhou, Who Puts Up in a Boat 宿桐庐江寄广陵旧游
    • Putting Up on the Jiande River 宿建德江
    • Li Qi 李颀
    • Looking Back to Qinchuan 望秦川
    • Wang Changling 王昌龄
    • Lotus Plucking 采莲曲
    • Seeing a Friend Off at Lotus Tower 芙蓉楼送辛渐
    • A Wife’s Rue 闺怨
    • In Reply to Prefect of Wuling 答武陵太守
    • Farewell to Chai 送柴侍御
    • Zu Yong 祖咏
    • Gazing at the South Hill 终南望余雪
    • Wang Wei 王维
    • The Love Bean 相思
    • The Hills Wearing Autumn Hue 山居秋暝
    • An Impromptu 书事
    • Seeing My Friend Off to Anxi 送元二使安西
    • Bamboo Grove Villa 竹里馆
    • On the Ninth Day of the Ninth Moon, Missing Brothers East of the Mountain 九月九日忆山东兄弟
    • Parting in the Hills 山中送别
    • A Frontier Poem 陇西行
    • Passing the Incense Temple 过香积寺
    • Qiu Wei 丘为
    • Pear Blossoms in the Left Office 左掖梨花
    • Li Bai 李白
    • When Taking a Bath 沐浴子
    • To Wang Lun 赠汪伦
    • Seeing Off a Friend 送友人
    • Send-off of Tu Fu at Stone Gate, East Shandong 鲁郡东石门送杜二甫
    • Descending the Zhongnan Mountains to Drink with 下终南山
    • Hu Si, a Hermit 过斛斯山人宿置酒
    • Mourning Old Ji, a Good Brewer in Xuancheng 哭宣城善酿纪叟
    • The Farewell Pavilion 劳劳亭
    • Failing to See the Monk on Mt. Daitian 访戴天山道士不遇
    • Master Xie’s Tower 谢公亭
    • On Phoenix Mound in Gold Hills 登金陵凤凰台
    • Night Thought 静夜思
    • Drinking with a Hermit ’mid Mountain Blooms 山中与幽人对酌
    • Do Drink Wine 将进酒
    • Seeing Off Meng Haoran at Yellow Crane Tower 黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵
    • Song of Autumn Shore (No. ) 秋浦歌(十四)
    • Song of Autumn Shore (No. ) 秋浦歌(十五)
    • Early Departure from Whitegod 早发白帝城
    • Watching Mt. Skygate 望天门山
    • Night Mooring at Mt. Cow 夜泊牛渚怀古
    • Drinking Alone under the Moon (No. ) 月下独酌四首(其一)
    • Gazing at the Mt. Lodge Waterfall 望庐山瀑布
    • Missing Qin E 忆秦娥
    • Rong Yu 戎昱
    • Farewell to the Lake Arbor When I Move 移家别湖上亭
    • Cui Hao 崔颢
    • The Yellow Crane Tower 黄鹤楼
    • Sun Ti 孙逖
    • Staying O’ernight at Cloudgate Fane 宿云门寺阁
    • Liu Changqing 刘长卿
    • Seeking Shelter at Mt. Lotus One Snowy Night 逢雪宿芙蓉山主人
    • Listening to the Lyre 听弹琴
    • Farewell to My Friend 送灵澈
    • Du Fu 杜甫
    • Drinking Vis-à-vis the Bending River (No. ) 曲江对酒(其一)
    • A View of Spring 春望
    • A Casual Feeling (No. ) 漫兴(其二)
    • Looking for Flowers Alone on the Bank 江畔独步寻花
    • To Hua, a General 赠花卿
    • A Quatrain (No. ) 绝句二首(其一)
    • A Quatrain (No. ) 绝句二首(其二)
    • Frontier Poems 前出塞
    • Missing My Brothers on a Moonlit Night 月夜忆舍弟
    • Traveling at Night 旅夜书怀
    • Escorting the Lords with Courtesans to Enjoy Cool 陪诸贵公子丈
    • in Zhangba Pool 八沟携妓纳凉
    • A Friend Visits 客至
    • A Quatrain Impromptu (No. ) 绝句漫兴(其一)
    • A Quatrain Impromptu (No. ) 绝句漫兴(其三)
    • Six Quatrains for Fun (No. ) 戏为六绝句(其六)
    • An Impromptu 漫成一首
    • It’s Long Since I Saw Him 不见
    • A Revisit 后游
    • An Impulse on an Autumn Day (No. ) 秋兴八首(其三)
    • The Celestial Taoist Abbey 玉台观
    • A Tired Night 倦夜
    • The Wild Goose Astray 孤雁
    • Cen Shen 岑参
    • Missing My Old Clime While on the March 行军九日思长安故园
    • Making Fun of the Old Wine Seller 戏问花门酒家翁
    • Liu Fangping 刘方平
    • The Moonlit Night 月夜
    • Lamentation in Spring 春怨
    • Zhang Ji 张继
    • Mooring at Night by the Maple Bridge 枫桥夜泊
    • Jia Zhi 贾至
    • Longing in Spring 春思
    • Li Duan 李端
    • Worshiping the Crescent 拜新月
    • Hu Lingneng 胡令能
    • Embroidering a Screen 咏绣障
    • A Child Learning to Angle 小儿垂钓
    • Miss Han 韩氏
    • A Poem Written on a Red Maple Leaf 题红叶
    • Yu Liangshi 于良史
    • A Moonlit Spring Night
    • amid the Mountains 春山夜月
    • Dai Shulun 戴叔伦
    • In the Stone Inn on
    • New Year’s Eve 除夜宿石头驿
    • Dedication to Zhichuan’s Scenes 题稚川山水
    • The Temple of Qu Yuan 三闾庙
    • Wei Yingwu 韦应物
    • To Qiu Dan on an
    • Autumn Night 秋夜寄邱员外
    • In Reply to Li Huan 答李浣
    • Lu Lun 卢纶
    • Border Songs (No. ) 塞下曲(其三)
    • Li Yi 李益
    • Unrequited Love 写情
    • Hearing a Flute Tune in
    • Surrender Accepting City 夜上受降城闻笛
    • Meng Jiao 孟郊
    • Work Your Way 劝学
    • A Complaint 怨诗
    • Chen Tao 陈陶
    • West of Mt. Long 陇西行
    • Linghu Chu 令狐楚
    • Recalling His Majesty’s Favor 思君恩
    • Huangfu Ran 皇甫冉
    • A Lady’s Complaint 婕妤怨
    • Wang Han 王翰
    • A Verse of Liangzhou 凉州词
    • Zhang Wei 张谓
    • To My Friend Bi in Chang’an 题长安壁主人
    • Zhang Chao 张潮
    • Going South 江南行
    • Zhang Yue 张说
    • Hastening Home from Sichuan 蜀道后期
    • Shen Xiu 神秀
    • Gatha 偈子
    • Hui Neng 慧能
    • Nothing like a Bodhi Tree 菩提本无树
    • Zhang Xu 张旭
    • The Peach Bloom Creek 桃花溪
    • Han Yu 韩愈
    • Late Spring 晚春
    • A Drizzle in Early Spring 初春小雨
    • Meng Jiao 孟郊
    • A Vagrant Son 游子吟
    • Liu Yuxi 刘禹锡
    • A Bamboo Twig (No. ) 竹枝词(其一)
    • A Bamboo Twig (No. ) 竹枝词(其二)
    • An Autumn Breeze 秋风引
    • Bai Juyi 白居易
    • A Concubine’s Lament 后宫词
    • The River at Dusk 暮江吟
    • Dreaming of South 忆江南
    • Asking Liu, the Nineteenth 问刘十九
    • Long Longing 长相思
    • Seeing a Friend Off
    • by an Old Grassland 赋得古草原送别
    • Lasting Grief 长恨歌
    • Li Shen 李绅
    • Poor Farmers (No.) 悯农(其一)
    • Poor Farmers (No. ) 悯农(其二)
    • Liu Zongyuan 柳宗元
    • River Snow 江雪
    • Li She 李涉
    • Climbing a Hill 登山
    • Jia Dao 贾岛
    • Failure to Find the Recluse 寻隐者不遇
    • A Swordsman 剑客
    • Li He 李贺
    • The Steed 马诗
    • Du Mu 杜牧
    • Pure Brightness Day 清明
    • At the Hostel at River Qinhuai 泊秦淮
    • Spring South of the River 江南春
    • Farewell 赠别
    • Wen Tingyun 温庭筠
    • Buddhaman 菩萨蛮
    • Li Shangyin 李商隐
    • Message from a Night Rain 夜雨寄北
    • The Lute 锦瑟
    • Climbing Old Park 登乐游原
    • Untitled 无题
    • Luo Yin 罗隐
    • Bees 蜂
    • Jin Changxu 金昌绪
    • Plaint in Spring 春怨
    • Du Qiuniang 杜秋娘
    • Clothes of Gold 金缕衣
  • Afterword 跋
  • About the Author 作者简介
