
英韵宋词百首 Song Lyrics in English Rhyme


  • 前辅文
  • Foreword 序
  • Kou Zhun 寇准
    • Spring in the Southern land 江南春
    • Treading on Grass 踏莎行
  • Lin Bu 林逋
    • Long Longing 长相思
  • Fan Zhongyan 范仲淹
    • Fisherman’s Pride •
    • Autumn Thought 渔家傲•秋思
    • Cold Smoke Lingers 苏幕遮
  • Liu Yong 柳永
    • Rain Bell 雨霖铃
    • A Butterfly’s Love for Flowers 蝶恋花
    • The River’s All Red 满江红
    • Looking at the Tide 望海潮
    • The Crane Darting to the Sky 鹤冲天
    • The Fragrance of Lichees 荔枝香
  • Zhang Xian 张先
    • Magnolia 木兰花
    • One Thousand Years Old 千秋岁
    • The Dark Gate 青门引
    • The Blue Peony 碧牡丹
    • The Flower Fairy 天仙子
  • Yan Shu 晏殊
    • Yarn Washing 浣溪沙
    • Yarn Washing 浣溪沙
  • Song Qi 宋祁
    • The Jade Tower
    • Spring • A Spring Scene 玉楼春•春景
    • The Partridge Sky 鹧鸪天
    • Song Lyrics in English Rhyme
  • Ouyang Xiu 欧阳修
    • Magnolia 木兰花
    • Treading on Grass 踏莎行
    • The Riverine Fairy 临江仙
  • Wang Anshi 王安石
    • On You I Cannot Rely 君难托
  • Wang Anguo 王安国
    • Pure Peace Tune 清平乐
  • Wang Guan 王观
    • The Diviner 卜算子
  • Yan Jidao 晏几道
    • Cathy Quince 生查子
    • The Partridge Sky 鹧鸪天
    • Missing Him 思远人
    • Magnolia 木兰花
    • Pure Peace Tune 清平乐
    • Pray Stay, Spring 留春令
  • Su Shi 苏轼
    • A Butterfly’s Love for Flowers 蝶恋花
    • The River Moon 西江月
    • Diviner 卜算子
    • Prelude to Water Melody 水调歌头
    • Song of a Cave Nymph 洞仙歌
    • Happy E’er 永遇乐
    • The Fairy 戚氏
    • The Rivertown 江城子
    • Belle Petite • Reminiscing
    • Red Wall 念奴娇•赤壁怀古
    • Gazing South • On the
    • Nectar Terrace 望江南•超然台作
    • Yarn Washing 浣溪沙
    • Be Still 定风波
  • Wang Pang 王雱
    • The Ogle 眼儿媚
  • Huang Tingjian 黄庭坚
    • Pure Peace Tune 清平乐
    • Song Lyrics in English Rhyme
  • Qin Guan 秦观
    • The Magpie Bridge Immortal 鹊桥仙
    • Good News • In a Dream 好事近•梦中作
    • The Court Full of Fragrance 满庭芳
  • He Zhu 贺铸
    • To Shizhou 石州慢
    • Pure Jade Case 青玉案
    • Magnolia • Courting Her 木兰花•梦相亲
  • Cai Ting 蔡挺
    • The Happy Oriole Moves 喜迁莺
  • Zhou Bangyan 周邦彦
    • Ths Auspicious Dragon Sings 瑞龙吟
    • The Fragrance of Lichees 荔枝香
    • The Crane Fairy 瑞鹤仙
    • A Night Tryst 少年游
    • Symposium • A Spring Rain 大酺•春雨
    • An Ugly Mix of Six 六丑
  • Mao Pang 毛滂
    • Woe, Flown Apart 惜分飞
  • Xu Jiang 许将
    • Fairy Facing the River 临江仙
  • Zhu Fu 朱服
    • A Fisherman’s Pride 渔家傲
  • Zhang Lei 张耒
    • Autumn Pistil 秋蕊香
  • Chen Jiweng 陈济翁
    • The Mt. Mo Creek 蓦山溪
  • Deng Su 邓肃
    • Long Longing • Red Blooms Fly 长相思•红花飞
  • Zuo Yu 左誉
    • An Ogle 眼儿媚
  • Little Dragon Girl of Wu Town 吴城小龙女
    • Lamentation by the River 江亭怨
  • Zheng Yiniang 郑意娘
    • A Song of Shengzhou 胜州令
    • Song Lyrics in English Rhyme
  • Li Qingzhao 李清照
    • A Butterfly’s Love for Flowers 蝶恋花
    • Incense Burning • Seventh Seven 行香子•七夕
    • Mulberry-gatherer 添字采桑子
    • Like a Dream 如梦令
    • A Cut of Plum 一剪梅
    • Spring at Wuling 武陵春
    • A Long Drone 声声慢
    • Playing the Flute
    • at the Phoenix Tower 凤凰台上忆吹箫
    • Drunk in the Flowershade 醉花荫
  • Lu You 陆游
    • The Diviner • Ode to the Plum 卜算子•咏梅
    • Long Longing • the
    • Rainbow Bridge 长相思•桥如虹
    • Hairpin 钗头凤
  • Tang Wan 唐琬
    • Hairpin 钗头凤
  • A Sichuan Prostitute 蜀妓
    • The Magpie Bridge Immortal 鹊桥仙
  • Fan Chengda 范成大
    • Magpie Bridge • the
    • Seventh Seven 鹊桥仙•七夕
  • Yan Rui 严蕊
    • Diviner 卜算子
    • The Magpie Bridge
    • Immortal • Seventh Seven 鹊桥仙•七夕
  • Chen Ke 陈克
    • Soy Bean Leaves Yellow 豆叶黄
  • Jiang Jie 蒋捷
    • Lady Yu • Hearing Rain 虞美人•听雨
  • Miss Shu 舒氏
    • Rouge Lips (a variety) 点绛唇
  • A Post Girl 驿卒女
    • Cathy Quince (a Variety) 生查子又一体
  • Chen Dongfu 陈东甫
    • Long Longing 长相思
    • Song Lyrics in English Rhyme
  • Zheng Wen’s Wife 郑文妻
    • Remembering Qin E 忆秦娥
  • Zhu Shuzhen 朱淑真
    • The Ogle 眼儿媚
  • Wang Tingjun 王庭筠
    • A Visit to Golden Gate 谒金门
  • Kang Yuzhi 康与之
    • The Joy of the Saint 大圣乐
  • Cao Guan 曹冠
    • The East Slope 东坡引
  • Ye Mengde 叶梦得
    • Congratulating the Bridegroom 贺新郎
  • Chen Yuyi 陈与义
    • The Royal Sedan to Lead 法驾导引
  • Anonymous 无名氏
    • A Petal Picker 撷芳词
  • Wanyan Liang 完颜亮
    • The Magpie Bridge Immortal •
    • Waiting for the Moon 鹊桥仙•待月
  • Wu Ji 吴激
    • The Full Moon 人月圆
    • Spring Comes from the Sky 春从天上来
  • Chu Sheng 褚生
    • Belle Petite 念奴娇
  • Yuan Haowen 元好问
    • Pure Peace Tune 清平乐
  • Wen Tianxiang 文天祥
    • Belle Petite • Farewell to
    • My Friend at the Post 念奴娇•驿中言别友人
  • Wang Qinghui 王清惠
    • The River Is All Red 满江红
  • Jin Deshu 金德淑
    • Remembering South 忆江南
    • Song Lyrics in English Rhyme
  • Zhang Xiaoxiang 张孝祥
    • Go 归字谣
    • Prelude to Liuzhou 六州歌头
  • Xin Qiji 辛弃疾
    • Cathy Quince • At
    • the Rain Rock 生查子•游雨岩
    • Little Ugly • Inscription
    • on Mt. Boshan 丑奴儿•书博山道中壁
    • A Parade 破阵子
  • Cheng Gai 程垓
    • The Diviner 卜算子
  • Jiang Kui 姜夔
    • A Great Bliss 齐天乐
    • Charm 眉妩
    • An Autumn Night 秋宵吟
    • Plum Blossoms by the Ge Stream 鬲溪梅令
    • Rouge Lips • the Wild Geese 点绛唇•燕雁无心
  • Wu Wenying 吴文英
    • The Partridge Sky 鹧鸪天
    • Yarn Washing • Feeling of Spring 浣溪沙•春情
  • Yan Ren 严仁
    • The Jade Tower • Lovesickness 玉楼春•春思
  • Zhang Yan 张炎
    • A Rosebud 国香
    • Pure Peace Tune •
    • Bloom-picker Not Found 清平乐•采芳人杳
  • Ye Li 叶李
    • Gold Inlaid Knife 金错刀
  • Yuan Tao 袁绹
    • The Legendary Girl 传言玉女
  • Wang Chen 王谌
    • The Fisherman 渔父词
  • Afterword 跋
