
商务英语精读(1)完整版 附答案


  • Unit 1 Essentials of Business
    • Reading Ⅰ The Nature of Business
    • Reading Ⅱ Trading
      • Special Use Countable and Uncountable Nouns
    • Extended Activities
      • Phonetic Drills Front Vowels(前元音)
      • Function and Structure Meeting People
      • Practical Reading Timetable
      • Business World Fortune Global Forum
  • Unit 2 Marketing
    • Reading Ⅰ Marketing and Promotion
    • Reading Ⅱ Markets, Demand and Supply
      • Special Use Numerical Fxpressions (1)
    • Extended Activities
      • Phonetic Drills Central Vowels(中位元音)
      • Function and Structure Introducing People
      • Practical Reading Price List
      • Business World The Marketing Mix(营销策略)
  • Unit 3 Career
    • Reading Ⅰ Modern Servant——Nanny
    • Reading Ⅱ Gardener
      • Special Use Describe People’s Appearance
    • Extended Activities
      • Phonetic Drills Back Vowels(后位元音)
      • Function and Structure Expressing and Responding to Thanks
      • Practical Reading Business Cards
      • Business World What Does an Employer Do?
  • Unit 4 Jobs and Occupations
    • Reading Ⅰ Personal Progress and Job-hopping
    • Reading Ⅱ Branson’s New Route to More Jobs
      • Special Use Words of Job APPlication
    • Extended Activities
      • Phonetic Drills Closing Diphthongs(合口双元音)(1)
      • Function and Structure Describe One’s Occupation
      • Practical Reading Job Advertisement
      • Business World The Most Promising Jobs in the 21st Century
  • Unit 5 Eating Habits
    • Reading Ⅰ Changing Life-style and New Eating Habits
    • Reading Ⅱ British Food
      • Special Use Degrees of Adjectives and Adverbs
    • Extended Activities
      • Phonetic Drills Closing Diphthongs(合口双元音)(2)
      • Function and Structure Ordering a Meal
      • Practical Reading Menu
      • Business World Business Meals
  • Unit 6 Jewelry
    • Reading Ⅰ Diamond-Cutter Ephraim
    • Reading Ⅱ Diamonds
      • Special Use The Use of Article
    • Extended Activities
      • Phonetic Drills Centring Diphthongs(集中双元音)
      • Function and Structure Apologizing
      • Practical Reading Catalogue of Jewelry
      • Business World Source of Gems
  • Unit 7 Body Language
    • Reading Ⅰ Body Language—Ownership Gestures
    • Reading Ⅱ Gesture
      • Special Use Numerical Expressions (2)
    • Extended Activities
      • Phonetic Drills Vowels Revision(元音复习)
      • Function and Structure Making Invitations
      • Practical Reading Program Schedule
      • Business World Important Cultural Issues (Ⅰ)
  • Unit 8 Manners
    • Reading Ⅰ A World Guide to Good Manners
    • Reading Ⅱ Good Manners,Good Business
      • Special Use Simple,Past and Perfect Tenses of Verbs
    • Extended Activities
      • Phonetic Drills Consonants—Fricatives(摩擦音)
      • Function and Structure Asking for,Giving,and Refusing to Give Permission
      • Practical Reading Comparing Different Cultures
      • Business World Important Cultural Issues (Ⅱ)
  • Unit 9 Telephone Calls
    • Reading Ⅰ Miss Manners Wrings the Bell
    • Reading Ⅱ Telephones
      • Special Use Continuous and Perfect Tenses of Verbs
    • Extended Activities
      • Phonetic Drills Consonants—Plosives(爆破音)
      • Function and Structure Making Telephone Calls
      • Practical Reading Yellow Pages
      • Business World Twelve Telephone Tips
  • Unit 10 Air Travel
    • Reading Ⅰ Getting to the Airport
    • Reading Ⅱ Reservations
      • Special Use Passive Voice of Verbs
    • Extended Activities
      • Phonetic Drills Consonants —Affricates(破擦音)
      • Function and Structure Booking Flight Tickets
      • Practical Reading Flight Schedule
      • Business World Major International Airlines
  • Unit 11 Sports and Business
    • Reading Ⅰ Nike, from Small Beginnings to World Giant(Ⅰ)
    • Reading Ⅱ Nike,from Small Beginnings to World Giant(Ⅱ)
      • Special Use Subject and Verb Vgreernent (1)
    • Extended Activities
      • Phonetic Drills Consonant—Nasals(鼻辅音)
      • Function and Structure Complimenting
      • Practical Reading Football and Basketball Catalogue
      • Business World Brand Image(品牌形象)
  • Unit 12 Ownership
    • Reading Ⅰ Types of Business Ownership
    • Reading Ⅱ Business in a Free Enterprise System
      • Special Use The Future Expressions
    • Extended Activities
      • Phonetic Drills Consonants—Laterals(舌侧音)
      • Function and Structure Asking or Offering Favors
      • Practical Reading Company Relationship
      • Business World Joint Venture
  • Unit 13 Fashion
    • Reading Ⅰ Fashion
    • Reading Ⅱ Very Smart Fashions
      • Special Use Adjectives Used to Describe Clothing
    • Extended Activities
      • Phonetic Drills ConsonantS —Semi-vowels(半元音)
      • Function and Structure Expressing Concern,Consolation and Encouragement
      • Practical Reading Bar Graphs
      • Business World The Fashion Industry
  • Unit 14 Consumer Satisfaction
    • Reading Ⅰ Bargains
    • Reading Ⅱ Why People Buy?
      • Special Use Subjunctive Mood of Verbs
    • Extended Activities
      • Phonetic Drills Consonants—Frictionless Continuant(非摩擦持续音)
      • Function and Structure Complaining
      • Practical Reading Advertisement of Bargains
      • Business World Consumer Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction
  • Unit 15 Education
    • Reading Ⅰ Managing Your Study Time
    • Reading Ⅱ Kissing the Books Goodbye
      • Special Use Adjectives Used to Describe a Student/Different Forms of Verbs
    • Extended Activities
      • Phonetic Drills Consonants Revision(辅音复习)/Intonation Practice(语调练习)
      • Function and Structure Talking about Personal Interests
      • Practical Reading Notices
      • Business world Vocational Education
    • Appendix Ⅰ New Words
    • Appendix Ⅱ Expressions
    • Appendix Ⅲ Word Study
