
英语高级写作 论说文入门



  • chapter one
  • Introducing Theories
    • 1.1 Two Theoretical Sources
    • 1.2 Stephen Toulmin's Theory
    • 1.3 Carl Rogers’Theory
  • Tasks Critical thinking activities:
    • A. The Pattern of an Argument: Data and Warrants(Excerpts)
    • B. Conununication: Its Blocking and Its Facilitation
  • chapter Two
  • Basic Concepts
    • 2.1 Defining Argumentation and Argument
    • 2.2 Argumentation and Communication
    • 2.3 Argumentation and Persuasion
    • 2.4 Argumentation and Explanation
    • 2.5 Work Ethic for Argumentation
  • Tasks
    • Ⅰ Critical thinking activities:
      • A. Where Is Argument?
      • B. Argumentation,Speaker and Audience(Excerpts)
      • C. Persusasion(Excerpts)
    • Ⅱ Writing tasks:
      • A. Freeway Sparks Development Dilemma
      • B. China Finds Its Shangri-La in Tourism
      • C. Text of President Bush's Speech to the Nation
      • D. Text of Saddam Hussein's Speech
  • chapter Three
  • Definition(1)
    • 3.1 Defining Definition
    • 3.2 The Need for a Proper Definition in Argumentation
    • 3.3 Functions of Definition
  • Tasks
    • Ⅰ Critical thinking activities:
      • A. Choice, Presence, and Presentation
      • B. Persuasive Definition (Excerpts)
    • Ⅱ Writing tasks:
      • A. Text of Bush’s Speech
      • B. On Freedom
  • chapter Four
  • Definition(2)
    • 4.1 The Basic Structure of a Definition
    • 4.2 First-level Definition
    • 4.3 Common Ways of First-level Defining
    • 4.4 Second-level Elaboration
  • Tasks
    • Ⅰ Critical thinking activities:
      • A. Marriage
      • B. Defining Abortion Is a Tricky Business
    • Ⅱ Writing tasks:
      • A. Selection from Plato’s Phaedra
      • B. “Equal”Does Not Mean “Same”
      • C. Gay Marriage and the Right to Vote
  • chapter Five
  • Claims
    • 5.1 The Nature of a Claim
    • 5.2 The Function of a Claim
    • 5.3 The Structure of a Claim
  • Tasks
    • Ⅰ Critical thinking activities:
      • A. Fact and Value (Excerpts)
      • B. Bush,Kerry Trade Barbs Over Jobs
    • Ⅱ Writing tasks:
      • A. Ten Reasons Not to Hit Your Kids
      • B. Stephen Ambrose and the Rights of Passage
      • C. Should Stephen Ambrose Be Pardoned?
  • chapter Six
    • Claims of Fact
    • 6.1 Defining a Claim of Fact
    • 6.2 Presenting Facts in a Claim of Fact
    • 6.3 Relativity of Certainty in a Claim of Fact
    • 6.4 Supporting a Claim of Fact
    • 6.5 Challenging a Claim of Fact
    • 6.6 A Case Study
    • Tasks
    • Ⅰ Critical thinking activities:
      • A. Truth and Power (Excerpts)
      • B. Leader: Show Us the Proof
    • Ⅱ Writing tasks:
      • A. Loving the Little Emperor
      • B. Little Emperors,Little Brats
      • chapter seven
  • Claims of Value
    • 7.1 Defining a Claim of Value
    • 7.2 Supporting a Claim of Value
    • 7.3 Challenging a Claim of Value
  • Tasks
    • Ⅰ Critical thinking activities:
      • A. Is Ethics a Science? (Excerpts)
      • B. What Is Noble? (Excerpts)
    • Ⅱ Writing tasks:
      • A. Assisted Suicide: The Philosophers’Brief
      • B. Last Rights
      • C. In Response to Assisted Suicide: The Philosophers Brief
  • chapter Eight
  • Claims of Policy
    • 8.1 Defining a Claim of Policy
    • 8.2 Establishing a Problem
    • 8.3 Matching the Problem with the Course of Action
  • Tasks
    • Ⅰ Critical thinking activities:
      • The Analysis of the Problem (Excerpts)
    • Ⅱ Writing tasks:
      • A. What We Owe to Parents (Excerpts)
      • B. A Right to Care
      • C. Worst of Both Worlds
  • chapter Nine
  • Support
    • 9.1 Defining Support
    • 9.2 Evidential Support
    • 9.3 Motivational Support
    • 9.4 Measuring the Strength of Support
  • Tasks
    • Ⅰ Critical thinking activities:
      • Field Dependence(Excerpts)
    • Ⅱ Writing tasks:
      • A. The Answer to Terrorism? Colonialism
      • B. Freedom in a Time of Terrorism
      • C. John Kerry's Speech to the National Congress of the American Indians
  • chapter ten
  • Quoting
    • 10.1 Quoting for a Purpose
    • 10.2 Factors That Constrain Quoting
    • 10.3 Ways of Quoting
    • 10.4 System of Quotation
  • Tasks
    • Ⅰ Critical thinking activities:
      • Fullness of Argumentation
    • Ⅱ Writing tasks:
      • A. Whatever Happened to the University?
      • B. A Proposal to Abolish Grading
  • chapter Eleven
  • warrant
    • 11.1 Defining Warrant
    • 11.2 Types of Warrants
  • Tasks
    • Ⅰ Critical thinking activities:
      • A. The Ideological Problem of Social Science(Excerpts)
      • B. The Notion of Formal Validity(Excerpts)
    • Ⅱ Writing tasks:
      • A. Teach Them the Real America
      • B. In Defense of Multiculturalism
      • C. Against Multiculturalism
      • D. The Bottom of Multiculturalism's Barrel
  • chapter Twelve
  • concluding Remarks: Critical Reading
    • 12.1 Critical Reading
    • 12.2 A Critical ADDroach
  • A Sample Task for the Final Examination
  • Worksheet for Argumentation
  • Main References
  • Essential Glossary of Argument
  • Common Fallacies
