《综合英语教程 学生用书 (第三版)》编写组于2010年起对本教材进行了全面的修改。作者或编者亲自在课堂中进行试验,此次新版充分反映了实验的结果,修改和剔除了不受学生和教师欢迎、课堂操作困难或过于机械的项目,增加了课堂效果良好,有助于学生在语言和知识两方面发展的任务和内容,并根据课堂实验重新编写了教师用书。 新版教材在教学活动的设计上强调从学生已有知识出发,引导学生去探索未知的知识;强调教材和教师在语言示范方面的共同作用;强调语言的“正面”和“负面”输入;强调语言学习的自主性;增加了大量的任务型和研究型活动。本书为第五册。
- 前辅文
- Subject 1 Growing Up and Learning
- Unit 1
- ·Schools and school life in the US, the UK, and China
- ·Personal stories about Chinese education
- ·Education in literature: a short story and a poem about a teacher
- ·Special education: life of ADHD students
- Unit 2
- ·Understanding different views on education
- ·Educational liberalism
- ·School reforms in the US
- Unit 3
- ·Growing into manhood
- ·Cultural influences on education
- Subject 2 Family Matters
- Unit 4
- ·Happy families
- ·Family relationships
- Unit 5
- ·Understanding different positions on family and family life
- ·Reading academic articles
- Unit 6
- ·Omnigamy
- ·Why Parents Worry
- ·The characteristics of the Good Family
- Subject 3 Learning Literature
- Unit 7
- ·Whitman and his poem
- ·Poems
- ·Classic and modern poems
- ·Poems for fun
- Unit 8
- ·Understanding different views on the role of literature in our lives
- ·Elements of short stories
- ·Reading short stories
- Unit 9
- ·Reading the short story
- ·Practicing plot analysis
- ·Appreciating a story in an essay
- Subject 4 Houses, Cities, and Culture
- Unit 10
- ·Understanding houses in human life
- ·Appreciating the short story
- ·Reading neighborhoods and human relationships
- Unit 11
- ·Understanding different positions
- ·Modern American residential architecture
- ·Critiquing architecture
- Unit 12
- ·New York: A city of things unnoticed
- ·Describing facts in literary and journalistic genre
- ·Ayn Rand: Top of the world in New York
- Pronunciation Symbols of American English