

Karl T. Ulrich and Steven D. E


  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Development Processes and Organizations
  • 3 Product Planning
  • 4 Identifying Customer Needs
  • 5 Product Specifications Appendix: Target Costing
  • 6 Concept Generation
  • 7 Concept Selection
    • Appendix: Concept-Screening Matrix
    • Example
    • Appendix: Concept-Scoring Matrix
    • Example
    • 8 Concept Testing
    • Appendix: Estimating Market
    • Sizes
  • 9 Product Architecture
  • 10 Industrial Design
  • 11 Design for Manufacturing
    • Appendix A: Materials Costs
    • Appendix B: Component
    • Manufacturing Costs
    • Appendix C: Assembly Costs
    • Appendix D: Cost Structures
  • 12 Prototyping
  • 13 Robust Design
    • Appendix: Orthogonal Arrays
  • 14 Patents and Intellectual Property
    • Appendix A: Trademarks
    • Appendix B: Advice to Individual
    • Inventors
  • 15 Product Development Economics
    • Appendix A: Time Value of Money and the Net Present Value
    • Technique
    • Appendix B: Modeling Uncertain Cash Flows Using Net Present Value Analysis
  • 16 Managing Projects
    • Appendix: Design Structure Matrix
    • Example
  • Index
  • Chapter 1
    • Introduction
    • Characteristics of Successful Product
    • Development
    • Who Designs and Develops Products?
    • Duration and Cost of Product
    • Development
    • The Challenges of Product Development
    • Approach of This Book
    • Structured Methods
    • Industrial Examples
    • Organizational Realities
    • Road Map of the Book
    • References and Bibliography
    • Exercises
    • Thought Question
    • Organizational Links May Be Aligned with
    • Functions, Projects, or Both
    • Choosing an Organizational Structure
    • The AMF Organization
    • Summary
    • References and Bibliography
    • Exercises
    • Thought Questions
  • Chapter 2
    • Development Processes
    • and Organizations
    • A Generic Development Process
    • Concept Development: The Front-End
    • Process
    • Adapting the Generic Product Development
    • Process
    • Technology-Push Products
    • Platform Products
    • Process-Intensive Products
    • Customized Products
    • High-Risk Products
    • Quick-Build Products
    • Complex Systems
    • Product Development Process Flows
    • The AMF Development Process
    • Product Development Organizations
    • Organizations Are Formed by Establishing Links
    • among Individuals
  • Chapter 3
    • Product Planning
    • The Product Planning Process
    • Four Types of Product Development Projects
    • The process
    • Step 1:Identify Opportunities
    • Step 2: Evaluate and Pnoritize Projects
    • Competitive Strategy
    • Market Segmentation
    • Technological Trajectories
    • Product Platform Planning
    • Evaluating Fundamentally New Product
    • Opportunities
    • Balancing the Portfolio
    • Step 3:Allocate Resources and Plan Timing
    • Resource Allocation
    • Project Timing
    • The Product Plan
    • Step 4: Complete Pre-Project Planning
    • Mission Statements
    • Assumptions and Constraints
    • Staffing and Other Pre-Project Planning
    • Activities
    • Step S: Reflect on the Results and the Process
    • Summary
    • References and Bibliography
    • Exercises
    • Thought Questions
  • Chapter 4
    • Identifying Customer Needs
    • Step 1:Gather Raw Data from Customers
    • Choosing Customers
    • The Art of Eliciting Customer Needs Data
    • Documenting Interactions with Customers
    • Step 2: Interpret Raw Data in Terms of Customer
    • Needs
    • Step 3: Organize the Needs into a Hierarchy
    • Step 4: Establish the Relative Importance of the Needs
    • Step 5: Reflect on the Results and the Process Summary
    • References and Bibliography
    • Exercises
    • Thought Questions
  • Chapter 5
    • Product Specifications
    • What Are Specifications?
    • When Are Specifications Established?
    • Establishing Target Specifications
    • Step l: Prepare the List of Metrics
    • Step 2: Collect Competitive Benchmarking Information
    • Step 3: Set Ideal and Marginally Acceptable
    • Target Values
    • Step 4: Refl ect on the Results and the Process
    • Setting the Final Specifications
    • Step 1: Develop Technical Models
    • of the Product
    • Step 2: Develop a Cost Model of the Product
    • Step 3: Refine the Specifications, Making Trade-Offs
    • Where Necessary
    • Step 4: Flow Down the Specifications
    • as Appropriate
    • Step5:Reflect on the Results and the Process
    • Summary
    • References and Bibliography
    • Exercises
    • Thought Questions
    • Appendix
    • Target Costing
    • Chapter 6
    • Concept Generation
    • The Activity of Concept Generation
    • Structured Approaches Reduce the Likelihood
    • of costly Problems
    • A Five-Step Method
    • Step 1:Clarify the Problem
    • Decompose a Complex Problem into Simpler
    • Subproblems
    • Focus Initial Efforts on the Critical
    • Subproblems
    • Step 2: Search Externally
    • Interview Lead Users
    • Consult Experts
    • Search Patents
    • Search Published Literature
    • Benchmark Related Products
    • Step 3: Search Internally
    • Both Individual and Group Sessions Can
    • Be Useful
    • Hints for Generating Solution Concepts
    • Step 4: Explore Systematically
    • Concept Classification Tree
    • Concept Combination Table
    • Managing the Exploration Process
    • Step 5: Reflect on the Results and the Process
    • Summary
    • References and Bibliography
    • Exercises
    • Thought Questions
  • Chapter 7
    • Concept Selection
    • Concept Selection Is an Integral Part of the Product Development Process
    • All Teams Use Some Method for Choosing a Concept
    • A Structured Method Offers Several Benefits Overview of Methodology Concept Screening
    • Step 1: Prepare the Selection Matrix
    • Step 2: Rate the Concepts
    • Step 3: Rank the Concepts
    • Step 4: Combine and Improve the Concepts
    • Step 5: Select One or More Concepts
    • Step 6: Reflect on the Results and the Process Concept Scoring
    • Step l: Prepare the Selection Matrix
    • Step 2: Rate the Concepts
    • Step 3: Rank the Concepts
    • Step 4: Combine and Improve the Concepts
    • Step 5: Select One or More Concepts
    • Step 6: Reflect on the Results and the Process
    • Caveats
    • Summary
    • References and Bibliography
    • Exercises
    • Thought Questions
    • Appendix A Concept-Screening Matrix
    • Example
    • Appendix B
    • Concept-Scoring Matrix Example
  • Chapter 8
    • Concept Testing
    • Step 1:Define the Purpose
    • of the Concept Test
    • Step 2: Choose a Survey Population
    • Step 3: Choose a Survey Format
    • Step 4: Communicate the Concept
    • Matching the Survey Format with the Means of Communicating the Concept
    • Issues in Communicating the Concept
    • Step 5: Measure Customer Response
    • Step 6: Interpret the Results
    • Step 7: Reflect on the Results and the Process
    • Summary
    • References and Bibliography
    • Exercises
    • Thought Questions
    • Appendix
    • Estimating Market Sizes
  • Chapter 9
    • Product Architecture
    • What Is Product Architecture?
    • Types of Modularity
    • When Is the Product Architecture Defined?
    • Implications of the Architecture
    • Product Change
    • Product Variety
    • Component Standardization
    • Product Performance
    • Manufacturability
    • Product Development Management
    • Establishing the Architecture
    • Step 1: Create a Schematic of the Product
    • Step 2: Cluster the Elements
    • of the Schematic
    • Step 3: Create a Rough Geometric Layout
    • Step 4: Identify the Fundamental and Incidental
    • Interactions
    • Delayed Differentiation
    • Platform Planning
    • Differentiation Plan
    • Commonality Plan
    • Managing the Trade-Off between Differentiation and Commonality
    • Related System-Level Design Issues
    • Defining Secondary Systems
    • Establishing the Architecture of the Chunks
    • Creating Detached Interface Specifications
    • Summary
    • References and Bibliography
    • Exercises
    • Thought Questions
  • Chapter 10
    • Industrial Design
    • What Is Industrial Design?
    • Assessing the Need for Industrial Design
    • Expenditures for Industrial Design
    • How Important Is Industrial Design to a Product?
    • Ergonomic Needs
    • Aesthetic Needs
    • The Impact of Industrial Design Is Industrial Design Worth the Investment?
    • How Does Industrial Design Establish a Corporate Identity?
    • The Industnal Design Process
    • Investigation of Customer Needs
    • Conceptualization
    • Preliminary Refinement
    • Further Refinement and Final Concept Selection
    • Control Drawings
    • Coordination with Engineering, Manufacturing, and External Vendors
    • The Impact of Computer-Based Tools on the ID Process Management of the Industrial Design
    • Process
    • Timing of Industrial Design Involvement
    • Assessing the Quality of Industrial Design
    • 1.Quality of the User Interfaces
    • 2.Emotional Appeal
    • 3.Ability to Maintain and Repair the Product
    • 4.Appropriate Use of Resources
    • 5.Product Differentiation
    • Summary
    • References and Bibliography
    • Exercises
    • Thought Questions
  • Chapter 11
    • Design for Manufacturing
    • Design for Manufacturing Defined
    • DFM Requires a Cross-Functional Team
    • DFM Is Performed throughout the Development Precess Overview of the DFM Process
    • Step 1:Estimate the Manufacturing Costs
    • Fixed Costs versus Variable Costs
    • The Bill of Materials
    • Estimating the Costs of Standard Components
    • Estimating the Costs of Custom Components
    • Estimating the Cost of Assembly
    • Estimating the Overhead Costs
    • Step 2: Reduce the Costs of Components
    • Understand the Process Constraints and Cost Drivers
    • Redesign Components to Eliminate Processing
    • Steps
    • Choose the Appropriate Economic Scale
    • for the Part Process
    • Standardize Components and Processes
    • Adhere to “Black Box”Component Procurement
    • Step 3: Reduce the Costs of Assembly
    • Keeping Score
    • Integrate Parts
    • Maximize Ease of Assembly
    • Consider Customer Assembly
    • Step 4: Reduce the Costs of Supporting
    • Production
    • Minimize Systemic Complexity
    • Error Proofing
    • Step 5: Consider the Impact of DFM Decisions
    • on Other Factors
    • The Impact of DFM on Development Time
    • The Impact of DFM on Development Cost
    • The Impact of DFM on Product Quality
    • The Impact of DFM on External Factors
    • Results
    • Summary
    • References and Bibliography
    • Exercises
    • Thought Questions
    • Appendix A
    • Materials Costs
    • AppendixB
    • Component Manufacturing Costs
    • Appendix C
    • Assembly Costs
    • Appendix D
    • Cost Structures
  • Chapter 12
    • Prototyping
    • Prototype Basics
    • What Is a Prototype?
    • Types of Prototypes
    • What Are Prototypes Used For?
    • Principles of Prototyping
    • Analytical Prototypes Are Generally More Flexible
    • than Physical Prototypes
    • Physical Prototypes Are Required to Detect
    • Unanticipated Phenomena
    • A Prototype May Reduce the Risk
    • of Costly Iterations
    • A Prototype May Expedite Other Development
    • Steps
    • A Prototype May Restructure Task Dependencies
    • Prototyping Technologies
    • 3D Computer Modeling
    • Free-Form Fabrication
    • Planning for Prototypes
    • Step 1: Define the Purpose of the Prototype
    • Step 2: Establish the Level of Approximation
    • of the Prototype
    • Step 3: Outline an Experimental Plan
    • Step 4: Create a Schedule for Procurement,
    • Construction, and Testing
    • Planning Milestone Prototypes
    • Summary
    • References and Bibliography
    • Exercises
    • Thought Questions
  • Chapter 13
    • Robust Design
    • What Is Robust Design?
    • Design of Experiments
    • The Robust Design Process
    • Step 1:Identify Control Factors, Noise Factors
    • and Performance Metrics
    • Step 2: Formulate an Objective Function
    • Step 3: Develop the Experimental Plan
    • Experimental Designs
    • Testing Noise Factors
    • Step 4: Run the Experiment
    • Step 5: Conduct the Analysis
    • Computing the Objective Function
    • Computing Factor Effects by Analysis
    • of Means
    • Step 6: Select and Confirm Factor
    • Setpoints
    • Step 7: Reflect and Repeat
    • Caveats
    • Summary
    • References and Bibliography
    • Exercises
    • Thought Questions
    • Appendix
    • Orthogonal Arrays
  • Chapter 14
    • Patents and Intellectual Property
    • What Is Intellectual Property?
    • Overview of Patents
    • Utility Patents
    • Preparing a Disclosure
    • Step 1:Formulate a Strategy and Plan
    • Timing of Patent Applications
    • Type of Application
    • Scope of Application
    • Step 2: Study Prior Inventions
    • Step 3: Outline Claims
    • Step 4: Write the Description of the Invention
    • Figures
    • Writing the Detailed Description
    • Defensive Disclosure
    • Step 5: Refine Claims
    • Writing the Claims
    • Guidelines for Crafting Claims
    • Step 6: Pursue Application
    • Step 7: Reflect on the Results and the Process
    • Summary
    • References and Bibliography
    • Exercises
    • Thought Questions
    • Appendix A
    • Trademarks
    • Appendix B
    • Advice to Individual Inventors
  • Chapter 15
    • Product Development Economics
    • Elements of Economic Analysis
    • Quantitative Analysis
    • Qualitative Analysis
    • When Should Economic Analys is Be
    • Performed?
    • Economic Analysis Process
    • Step 1:Build a Base-Case Financial Model
    • Estimate the Timing and Magnitude of Future Cash
    • Inflows and Outflows
    • Compute the Net Present Value of the Cash Flows
    • The Base-Case Financial Model Can Support
    • Go/No-Go Decisions and Major Investment ecisions
    • Step 2: Perform Sensitivity Analysis
    • Development Cost Example
    • Development Time Example
    • Step 3: Use Sensitivity Analysis to Understand
    • Project Trade-Offs
    • Six Potential Interactions
    • Trade-Off Rules
    • Limitations of Quantitative Analys is
    • Step 4: Consider the Influence of the Qualitative
    • Factors on Project Success
    • Projects Interact with the Firm, the Market, and the
    • Macro Environment
    • Carrying Out Qualitative Analysis
    • Summary
    • References and Bibliography
    • Exercises
    • Thought Questions
    • Appendix A
    • Time Value of Money and the Net Present
    • Value Technique
    • Appendix B
    • Modeling Uncertain Cash Flows Using Net
    • Present Value Analysis
  • Chapter 16
    • Managing Projects
    • Understanding and Representing Tasks
    • Sequential, Parallel, and Coupled Tasks
    • The Design Structure Matrix
    • Gantt Charts
    • PERT Charts
    • The Critical Path
    • Baseline Project Planning
    • The Contract Book
    • Project Task List
    • Team Staffing and Organization
    • Project Schedule
    • Project Budget
    • Project Risk Plan
    • Modifying the Baseline Plan
    • Accelerating Projects
    • Project Execution
    • Coordination Mechanisms
    • Assessing Project Status
    • Corrective Actions
    • Postmortem Project Evaluation
    • Summary
    • References and Bibliography
    • Exercises
    • Thought Questions
    • Appendix
    • Design Structure Matrix Example
    • Index
